

Francine Houben

Francine Houben(1955年出生於荷蘭)為Mecanoo建築事務所的創辦人兼創意總監。她的作品範圍廣泛,從劇院、博物館和圖書館,到社區、住宅和公園。每項作品皆以對人、地點、文化和氣候的觀察,做為設計的基礎,經過這樣的觀察使她的設計除了能反應出目前的需求,也可以為無法預期的變動做好準備。她的努力與成就為她贏得國際讚譽,她獲頒英國皇家建築師學會(RIBA)、美國建築師學會(AIA)和加拿大皇家建築學會(RAIC)的榮譽會員資格,以及柏林藝術學院(Akademie derKünste)建築系的終身會員資格。2015年,荷蘭女王瑪西瑪(Queen)特別頒發享有盛譽的Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds獎,以表彰她的全部作品。

Francine Houben是台夫特理工大學移動美學的教授,也曾在哈佛和耶魯大學任教。作為第一屆鹿特丹國際建築雙年展的策展人,她將移動美學帶入國際設計意念的最前線,她亦擁有烏得勒支大學和蒙斯大學的榮譽博士學位。精選設計作品包含:荷蘭台夫特理工大學圖書館(1997年)、西班牙列伊達亞利達劇院及會議中心(2008年)、英國伯明罕圖書館(2013年)、美國波士頓達德利布魯斯·博林城市中心大樓(2015年)、台灣高雄市衛武營國家藝術文化中心(2018年開幕)。目前,她正著手於由密斯·凡德羅(Mies van der Rohe)所設計的紐約公共圖書館和華盛頓特區中央圖書館的改建工程,這兩間圖書館將於2020年重新開放。

|Competition Declaration競圖宣言|

The Future of Housing-before and after a pandemic

The COVID-19 crisis has put our way of living under review. We know that this pandemic is not a one-off event. Viral outbreaks have occurred in the past, and they will happen again in the future in our high-density, globalised world. If this time we want to be prepared, we need to re-design our way of living. Lately, resilient cities has been a big research topic. In 2020 we discovered that our homes must be resilient as well.

With social distancing, borders of private and public drastically changed in a matter of days. Homes became the only place we people were considered safe, shielded from friends, neighbors and even family. But what is the extent of homes? Are collective spaces in buildings still safe? Should we design our homes for quick changes between private and public domains?
在「保持社交距離」的限制下,公眾與私人領域的邊界在短短幾天內產生了巨大的變化。「家」成為我們與朋友、鄰居甚至家庭成員間的安全屏障。但「家」的邊界在哪呢?集合住宅裡的公共空間又是安全的嗎? 而我們的設計該如何呼應這個公私領域間的轉換呢?

Connection with others (emotional or physical) and a sense of community are fundamental human needs. Further isolation can be highly problematic in a world where we are already suffering from a loneliness epidemic. Nowadays, we have a huge diversity of households. The traditional nuclear family is not as common as it once was. The number of single-parent families has been increasing worldwide, more and more people live alone. The sudden confinement to people’s houses could have a serious impact on mental health. How can achieve both social distancing and social connection? Should we re-define the “household” in a way where we, under all circumstances, ensure a sense of community? Being confined to a home, we realise how much we rely on outdoor space, both private and shared. How can we safely integrate outdoor space for everyone in the future of housing?

This also brings the inequality between rich and poor to the surface. Being constricted to a villa with a garden is not comparable to being isolated in a tiny space under poor living conditions. In addition, high-density housing may no longer meet the hygiene requirements of the post-COVID world. How can we create an affordable quality of life for the ones who are suffering the most in these crises?

For this competition, we are looking for a new affordable housing typology, where residents can live sustainably, and can feel both protected and connected.




第二名Second prize「Extension of Living」


首獎 First prize「Ghost to Host」


「2021 IRACDC 紙上住宅建築國際競圖」頒獎直播



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  • Francine Houben